In the last part, I’d shared with you the three laws of the universe that govern our reality.
We are the creators of our own reality and we create our reality through our thoughts, emotions and expectation.
In this part, I’m going to share with you more details about how we create our reality.
In order to deliberately create our reality we must understand the vibrational universe.
Nicola Tesla, an inventor, physicist and futurist who best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system, said that …
Not many are interested in the secrets of the Universe, but a lot want to know how to be successful or manifest what they want.
But in order to be successful easily, one very important thing you must know is this …
Everything is vibration. E-ve-ry-thing.
And vibration is measured by a term called frequency.
We are familiar with frequency because most of us listen to the radio.
When we want to listen to a certain radio station, we tune in to that station’s frequency.
It actually works similarly with the television. It’s just that unlike the radio, we don’t use the frequency but just the names given to the channel like channel 1, 2, and so on.
Our reality actually works similarly like the radio and tv.
Not many are interested in the secrets of the Universe, but a lot want to know how to be successful or manifest what they want.
But in order to be successful easily, one very important thing you must know is this …
Everything is vibration. E-ve-ry-thing.
And vibration is measured by a term called frequency.
We are familiar with frequency because most of us listen to the radio.
When we want to listen to a certain radio station, we tune in to that station’s frequency.
It actually works similarly with the television. It’s just that unlike the radio, we don’t use the frequency but just the names given to the channel like channel 1, 2, and so on.
Our reality actually works similarly like the radio and tv.
Have you ever watched a movie for a few times and sometimes you wonder how did you miss certain scenes?
Or you and your friend were listening to something but your friend understood or heard different thing?
The reason is simple, because you’re in different frequency.
That is why you should go over this course a few times so you’ll get the information that you might miss the first time you read or watch this material.
Again, everything is vibration and we are actually interpreting vibration whenever we see, smell, touch, taste, hear or feel.
Whenever we see something, we’re interpreting vibration. But because we are so good at it and it happens in an unconscious level, we don’t know we are doing it.
So in order to be successful in manifesting what you want, you need to understand and accept that …
So How Do You Offer Vibration?
Your thoughts are vibration.
Your emotions are vibration. Remember when you give thought to what you want with emotion, what you want will come faster?
Well your emotion makes the vibration of your thought multiple times stronger.
Y’know when your phone network signal is not strong, you won’t hear the person on the other line that clear?
It’s similar.
Note that when you keep thinking about something, it will become your belief.
The more you think about it, the more you attract the experience about it and because you see it again and again, you believe in it.
Most people will believe in something only when they see or experience it. But the truth is you only experience it when you believe it.
The truth is you can choose your beliefs and whatever you believe in you’ll experience it.
That’s why now I stop arguing with people. Because they really experience what they believe in and since I don’t have that same belief, I don’t see them.
They won’t see what I see if they don’t believe what I believe.
It’s actually that simple.
Abraham said, “Ask and it is given.”
Most people might be more familiar with “Ask and you shall receive” because it’s one of the popular saying from the Bible.
The process is like this …
Once you ask or give your thoughts into something you want, the vibrational version of that is given or created.
It is like you create another parallel reality that is in different frequency that you’re in right now.
In order for you to manifest it or experience that reality, you need to change your vibration to match that reality.
It’s similar to how the television works.
Whenever you think of something, a new channel or a movie is created in a certain channel and all you have to do is change the channel you’re on to that channel in order for you to experience the movie you’ve created.
Abraham said, “Ask and it is given.”
Most people might be more familiar with “Ask and you shall receive” because it’s one of the popular saying from the Bible.
The process is like this …
Once you ask or give your thoughts into something you want, the vibrational version of that is given or created.
It is like you create another parallel reality that is in different frequency that you’re in right now.
In order for you to manifest it or experience that reality, you need to change your vibration to match that reality.
It’s similar to how the television works.
Whenever you think of something, a new channel or a movie is created in a certain channel and all you have to do is change the channel you’re on to that channel in order for you to experience the movie you’ve created.
This parallel reality is similar like the tv channel.
Once you understand and believe in this, you will have no doubt anymore that you can be, do and have whatever you want.
In fact, I believe having this knowledge about vibration and parallel realities is the major factor that helped me found Jersey.
This is because no matter what you see or experience in this reality, there exist a parallel reality that can be totally different and you can shift to this reality without needing to change everything in the current reality.
What you need to do is to have the same vibration with that reality.
That’s the tricky part.
One of popular Wayne Dyer’s quotes, “You don’t get what you think about. You get what you are.”
For example, in order to experience prosperity, you have to feel prosper first.
Before you can experience being a rich person, you have to BE a rich person first.
So, in order to manifest your desire, you have to believe and act as if that desire already manifested.
When you say, I AM a millionaire. How do you feel?
Do you feel sure? Do you feel excited? Do you feel FREE?
Or do you feel doubt? Do you hear little voice saying, “what millionaire? You still haven’t paid your last month rent fool.”
And I know sometimes it is hard to know how you’re feeling if you haven’t practiced being aware of it through certain practices like meditation.
But the other way to know is this ….
If you’ve been doing the I AM affirmation for awhile, like more than a month, and you don’t see any improvements, not just in manifesting things but improvement in your feelings, then you are not projecting that vibration.
For example, if you say, “I AM a millionaire” every morning and after a few days of doing that you don’t feel more confident, you don’t suddenly get something for free or unexpected gifts, get “more than you bargain for” stuff, then this shows that you’re not offering the vibration of prosperity.
If you feel your life is getting harder, like suddenly there’s pay cut or some delays in receiving your income, then this shows that you’re offering the opposite vibration.
You’re more aware on the lack of what you want or not having it yet, compared to already having or become it.
You might think about wanting to have more money, but your feel stronger about not having it right now.
I believe one of the hard parts about this is to not facing reality.
It’s hard to feel prosperous when you look at the bills that you haven’t paid or get calls from debt collectors.
When Jersey was still missing, it was not easy for me to feel as if she’s already at home.
When I was home, she would disturb me every five minutes, so it was so obvious when she was not around.
Before I share with you how I dealt with that or how you can feel as if it already happened, I’m going to share with you another important information to help us thrive in difficult situation and manifest what we want.
I will share that in the next part. For now, let’s take a break and digest what you just learned about the vibrational universe.
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