In Esther & Jerry Hicks Law of Attraction book, Abraham suggested to focus on NOT more than three desires.
If you’re just learning about this, I suggest you only focus on ONE desire first.
When I was searching for Jersey, I didn’t think of anything else I wanted in my life at that moment. I was laser focused on finding Jersey.
All the manifestation exercises I did solely focus on that ONE THING which was bringing her home.
I didn’t think or work on anything else I want like updating my blog, creating this course, get fit and spend more time with my dogs.
But this is what I noticed. Although I focused on finding Jersey by making feel good my priority, I sort of manifesting the other things that I wanted.
I started getting ideas on what to write on my blog.
I got amazing story as proof that what I know about the laws of the Universe is true and my five steps process on manifestation works!
I lost a bit of weight from all those walking.
I also spent a bit more time with my dog, Golek, because I brought him while waiting for Jersey to come out of the forest.
Note that although I saw her at the side of the road on August 25th, she ran inside the forest when I called her.
That’s what happen to dog who is in fight or flight mode. A typical behaviour for lost dogs.
It was only on September 3rd that she realized that it was Golek and me at the side of the road waiting for her.
I didn’t manage to record the time when she ran to me and kissed me as I didn’t have enough hand to hold the camera.
Anyway, It all worked out well!
JULY 31st 2016:
Went on a truck ride. Passed by a usual place where there was lots of pigeons on the road, slowed down to let her see the pigeons, she got excited, lost balance and fell. She panicked and ran. I immediately stopped, got out but she was already 100 meters away. Searched for hours, no where to be found.
AUGUST 25th 2016:
After 26 days of driving around and walking for hours everyday and at any place I could think she might be, on that Thursday evening, thanks to the Universe who orchestrated it, I was at the right place at the right time. I spotted her on her way into a forest.
SEPTEMBER 3rd 2016:
After 9 days of putting food and water, finally got the time she came out of the forest to eat those food. It was around 10:30 am – 11:00 am. But that day I only put the food in one bowl, not enough time for Golek to notice Jersey. Jersey saw Golek, was curious but the moment I called her, she went back into the forest.
SEPTEMBER 4th 2016:
This time I put the food in a few bowls that lead to the road. This is the video I took a few minutes before she came running, jumped on me and started to whine and licked my face. I wish I had caught that on video but one of my hands was holding Golek’s leash and another was holding Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).
In the video you’ll see she ran back into the forest. But after that Golek kept making noise and just a few seconds later she came back out. I threw big pieces of KFC on the road. She went towards them, Golek approached her and then I saw her eyes on me, I called her and she ran and jumping up and down licking my face until I fell, lying down on the ground with her in my arms. HAPPINESS! 🙂 <3
Thank you to Golek and Colonel Sander’s KFC for bringing home my girl Jersey hihihihi 🙂
Posted by Chetz B. Togom on Monday, September 5, 2016
Talk only about that one thing that works well and the rest will start to improve.
So, similarly, I believe even though you only focus on one thing that you want to manifest, the other things you want will also be attracted to you.
And the MAIN thing is this … GET HAPPY.
That is the most important thing that you must MASTER.
To be HAPPY, to be in that good feeling place MOST of the time.
Once you are able to do this, everything in your life will work out well.
You’ll start to attract the things you want and realize the things that you’ve been wanting.
Your life seems magical.
But then at some point, most people would get STUCK … especially at the things that they really really want.
I believe there are at least two reasons why this happens.
First, when things start to get easy and comfortable, the intensity of our desire sort of reducing.
Remember Step 1 – We must really really want it.
Let me give my experience as an example.
I don’t like my job.
The first two months of working there I already wanted to quit.
I wasn’t expanding. The tasks that were given to me were the stuff that didn’t matter.
I didn’t make an impact.
I also didn’t get along with my boss.
We are in a different wavelength.

I got happy and things started to become easy.
My boss was promoted to another department.
So, the contrast was not as big as it was before.
Although I had been wanting to start my career as an Uplifter by sharing what I learned about the Universe and how this life works, I didn’t really work on it.
Until another HUGE contrast happened, which is when Jersey went missing.
This is another important thing you must remember, when you really want something, but you’re not up to speed with it or moving towards it, something will happen.
Even when you’re happy most of the time, you’ll still experience contrast because that’s how we expand.
Let me share what I learned from Abraham.
Until something happens, you weren’t asking in a strong way.
And because that happens and now you’re asking in a strong way. And that’s what we meant earlier when we said …
I realized this when Jersey was missing.
Because I really wanted to find her, I did all the things that I had learned about Animal Communication, telepathy, creative visualization, remote viewing.
These are all the things I have been wanting to do and practice so that I can become the Uplifter that I’ve envisioned for myself.
I had been wanting to do that for YEARS but I didn’t, until Jersey went missing.
I had the impulses, the inspirations but I kept ignoring that impulses or intuition.
Then BAM! Jersey went missing, and guess what? At the same time, I got the news that my old boss is coming back to become my boss again!
Once I realized this, I said, “OK! OK! I GOT IT! I GOT THE MESSAGE!”
Once I found Jersey I started compiling the things I did that help me found her and in a month I completed this course.
I’d been wanting and planning to create this course for more than two years, but once I had no resistance in me, I did it in pretty quick.
One exercise that can help you get that feeling again is the one you learned in Step 1, which is listing down the REASONS WHY you want it.
It’s because you’re taking score about it.
You’re more aware that it has not manifested yet.
You’re like that child who keeps asking, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”
When you’re aware of the lack of it, you project the vibration of lack and that is what you’ll get, the lack of it.
Remember in STEP 2, you must expect and believe that you’ll get it.
So let it go. Just focus on what you else you want to do today. What can you do NOW that will make you happy.
You must see yourself like a wise farmer who knows that the seed that he put in the ground doesn’t instantly turning to corn.
Know that you have put in the seed. Now you just need to let the Universe does it job and you just do your job which is to get happy.
You have to focus on something else if you feel stuck at manifesting it.

And every time I went home without her, I felt tired and frustrated.
Once I started to meditate and get happy, I got an idea to feed the stray dogs and take their pictures while I was driving around looking for Jersey.
Because of this, I wasn’t focus much on Jersey and I actually felt good when I saw those stray dogs eating the food.
Two days after doing this, I saw Jersey on the side of the road walking towards the forest.
Now who could orchestrate that perfect timing for both of us to be at the same location?
The Universe.
I was in the receptive mode to get the impulse to be at that place.
So you must surrender and trust that you WILL get what you want.
How was I able to surrender and trust when I was in a challenging situation like missing the dog I love so much?
I looked back at STEP 1 to STEP 4.
I had been learning and applying this teaching for more than two years. I had enough evidence to know that it is true and it works.
And I know without a doubt, if you resonate with this teaching and apply it, practice it, you will also experience the magical life where everything will come easily and you feel at peace.
The more you practice, the more you manifest and soon you’ll become the master in creating your own reality.
So I hope you go over this course a few times and apply the things you’ve learned here.
Check back your notes on the important things like the exercises you must do.
Use the Beast Vibe videos in Module 2 to help with visualization and increasing your vibration.
Before I end this module, I would like to share with you 4 more processes that I use other than I mentioned before which had helped me manifest my desires.
Get a highlighter and highlight the things that you MUST or want to do.
Then said, “These are the things that I want to do, the rest I surrender to the Universe to orchestrate and work on it for me.”
Then go on your day focusing on the things you highlight, knowing that the Universe is working on the rest of them. If you have doubts, go over STEP 2 and STEP 3 again.
Script how you want the things you desire to manifest. Be descriptive. Feel it while you’re writing it.
After you finish, said, “This or better and easier.” Then let it go.
You’re writing this for the pleasure for feeling good. That is the MAIN purpose.
Because once you feel good, whatever you want you’ll get it.
Script how you want the things you desire to manifest. Be descriptive. Feel it while you’re writing it.
After you finish, said, “This or better and easier.” Then let it go.
You’re writing this for the pleasure for feeling good. That is the MAIN purpose.
Because once you feel good, whatever you want you’ll get it.
Close your eyes and imagine you’re looking at a huge HD TV screen.
First visualize on that TV screen the things that stressing you out, the contrasts that created the thing you want.
Do this for a few seconds only. Then visualize you switch of that TV. It’s like you had enough of that.
Then switch it on again.
This time visualize on that screen, vividly, how your life would be when you already get the thing you want. Remember not on the way there, but when you ALREADY achieved and manifested it.
How do you feel? What do you see? What do you smell, taste, hear? Use all your 5 senses.
Then who else benefit and happy because you’ve achieved this.
This will intensify your wanting because most people, we are happier if we do something for others.
Do this enough for at least 68 seconds. The main thing is you must FEEL that emotion of already having it.
Once you’re done, Open your eyes and say, “This or better”.
Then let it go and start your day with that happy feeling.
Throughout the day, pretend spending this $100 on the things you want.
What can you do with that $100. I can get that shirt.
I can have a nice meal. I can spend it to buy gift for my spouse.
I think you get the idea. Just have fun imagining and pretending what to buy with that $100.
I really recommend you try it because a lot of people see improvement in their finance when they did this.
Throughout the day, pretend spending this $100 on the things you want.
What can you do with that $100. I can get that shirt.
I can have a nice meal. I can spend it to buy gift for my spouse.
I think you get the idea. Just have fun imagining and pretending what to buy with that $100.
I really recommend you try it because a lot of people see improvement in their finance when they did this.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this course. Do email me if you have any questions or want to share you manifestation stories. I love happy stories!
Until next time, Be Beast! And know that All is Well and Getting Weller!