Episode 2: What My Dogs Taught Me

by | Aug 3, 2022

@chetztogom Did you choose your dog 🐕? #stitch with @Animal Communicator Danielle @Animal Communicator Nikki #abrahamhicks #dogsoftiktok #manifestation #doglovers #animalcommunication ♬ Get You The Moon - Kina

Why Do I Have Dogs?

I found out recently that if you didn’t plan to have pets but they just came to your life, it means you have soul contract with them.

They are here to be with me to help me become my greatest self.

I’m not sure if I was really bad or I wasn’t bad but there are big things that I planned to do on this earth before I came here.

The reason I said this is because, have 17 furry souls that came into my life, that I didn’t plan for.

I only have 2 dogs in this physical world now. Two just crossed over a week ago.

I still miss their physical existence around me. But I know they’re still around.

I feel that one of the reasons the they are here is to teach me about life and death.

And I’m here to teach or spread that message to those who need it.

I’d like to share what I read from The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Esther & Jerry Hicks.

“Your pet would like to help you get over this “death” thing, for it understand that there is no death, but only Eternal Life.

Your pet joyously romps into physical body after physical body, dreading death never, enjoying its own joyful ride on its own joyful river.

Your dog is among the best teachers on the planet.”

Boop Like if you resonate that our dogs are among the best teachers about life… and death.

Chetz’s Merch



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